Summer is just a few short months away. Are you making plans? You could be planning on a vacation, visiting family, or maybe you’re thinking about a move and selling your home. If that’s the case, that’s excellent news. It’s a big decision, and I want to help you have a successful and profitable summer sale. With housing inventories at record lows and typical summer buyers wanting to get settled fast, it could work out very well for you. Here are a few ideas to help you get the most for your home. 


The summer brings out bright, attractive colors, which is perfect for when your house is on the market. Keep your landscape maintained with plenty of colors to make a good first impression. You might want to throw a fresh coat of paint on your door to brighten your entryway.


Obviously, you want to get the most money possible. However, you still want to price your home so that it’s realistic to its value. If priced just right, you’ll actually get more. I can run some numbers on your neighborhood to help find a realistic value for your home. It might pay off big. I’ll just need some information – give me a call to get started.


The goal is to erase any doubt in the buyer’s mind – especially in the summer when a buyer is likely ready to act fast. Make small repairs and even get an inspection before your home hits the market. A few examples would be any small leaks in a faucet, loose doors, or floor repairs. Finishes like adding new hardware to cabinets can really impress prospects. 

Those are just a couple of quick tips for you to make more on your home this summer. Be patient and it’ll happen. If you’re thinking about selling either now or in the summer, contact me and I’d be happy to help you get started. Give me a call or reply to this email to set up a time to meet.

Best regards,
Marlo Ibon | #AlohaAgent